Monday, September 14, 2009

ASR-Action Sports Retailers Trade Show

9/10-9/12/09 - SK8*GRL had a booth at the ASR Trade Show last January, but this time Holly just went and walked the show, had a couple of meetings, and hung out with some fun people.

Holly was interviewed by Bryan Elliot from Action Sports Network about being a Pro Skater and owner of SK8*GRL.

Holly and Sandra went to the Billabong Movie Premiere of 'Still Filthy'

The ASR Fashion Show gets better and better as Action Sports is becoming much more fashion forward.

This guy named Marco dared Holly that she couldn't stack 9 Monster Monster Energy drinks. She did and now he has to give her an hour of free legal service...LOL

Kier is a SK8*GRL too! Way to boldly go were few men would dare...LOL